(949) 721-6000 Appointment

How Do Laser Treatments Work?

closeup of the bare legs of a women resting on a chair at the beach

There are a number of laser treatment options available in Orange County, but how exactly do they work? Take the time to learn about your options for increased confidence and to make a smart choice about the best procedure to achieve your cosmetic goals.

Depending on the procedure, different laser technology will be used. Skin tightening procedures often use radiofrequency technology. The radiofrequency energy heats the tissue to tighten the skin and encourage new collagen growth.

When people become tired of the constant upkeep involved with waxing, plucking and shaving, they often turn to laser hair removal. This treatment typically involves a low energy laser beam that travels through the skin. The hair root absorbs the laser, which causes destruction of the root and stops any future growth.

Lasers can be a great way to avoid surgery, and rejuvenate your appearance. They involve less time than surgery, so this is a great option for people on the go. One of the best ways to learn about laser treatments is through meeting with a doctor and discussing your possibilities.

Contact Bonakdar Aesthetics for Cosmetic Dermatology and Skin Care in Newport Beach, Orange County, CA.

Our luxury concierge practice is committed to providing solutions for the aesthetic needs of the Newport Beach, Orange County community seeking ageless beauty and confidence. Your experience at Bonakdar Aesthetics will be one that nurtures, restores, and revives your self-image.

We are proud to inform you of Bonakdar Aesthetics’ Exclusive Appointment Scheduling Policy. This policy ensures that your appointments are exclusively booked for you alone, thus you will not experience long waits, nor be rushed during your appointment. A booking fee is required at the time you make your consultation or treatment appointment. This fee is fully applied to your appointment or is refundable with cancellations 72 hours prior to your appointment.

20321 Irvine Avenue, Suite #F3, Newport Beach, CA 92660

Mon-Fri: 9am – 5pm

36943 Cook St. #104, Palm Desert, CA 92211

Mon-Fri: 9am - 5pm