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Beauty, Fame Or Money Does Not Entitle One To Cheat!

Beauty, Fame Or Money Does Not Entitle One To Cheat!

Posted: March 12, 2019

Beauty Is Genetic

In August 2016, I did a series of posts on celebrity mothers and offsprings who look like doppelgangers, making a point that beauty is genetic. Those lucky enough to possess it, will pass it on to their offspring. In this series, I featured Susan Lori Loughlin and daughters Isabella and Olivia Giannulli, Sarandon and son, Jerry Hall and daughter, Madonna and daughter and lastly, Robin Wright and daughter.

Rich, Famous and Caught!

Fast forward to this week, Lori Loughlin and dozens of rich and famous people have been indicted in a $25 million 8-year bribing scandal aimed at getting their kids admitted to universities including Georgetown, Stanford, UCLA and Yale, recruited as “athletes” — regardless of their athletic ability.

Social Media Movement

This scandal started a chain of comments on my 100 plus weeks old Instagram post. People expressed their anger and intolerance towards Lori Loughlin and her actions. This is the power of social media! It units like-minded people unlike any other communication tool of the past. Social media facilitates movements when human moral code has been broken and injustices have been committed. These injustices are varied and worldwide. We have seen dictators oceans away, in countries that had been inconsequential to us previously, be removed from power. And now we are seeing rich and famous Americans who have bribed universities to get their kids admitted, be shamed and indicted. Justice is being served.

Weakened Moral Compass

What has happened to our internal moral compass? Research shows that sociopath and narcissist personalities are more likely to cheat. Sociopaths disregard the moral code and the rights of others, acting purely on their own behalf. In contrast, narcissism is hallmarked by grandiosity and conceit. Unfortunately, adoration of beautiful people can weaken their moral compass and lead them to behave narcissistically.

My Opinion

As a beauty expert, it is my belief that beauty, fame and money do not entitle you to cheat. I make people beautiful to bring them happiness and self-confidence. I do not prescribe to entitlement due to external beauty. Nothing other than your own merits should ever determine what you get in life. May we unite as one and manifest change.

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