Procedure: Correction of Moderate Lower Lid Aging
Provider: Monica Bonakdar, MD
Patient Information: 67 Year Old Female
Dr. Bonakdar Explains: When it comes to reversing the signs of aging, the midface is the right place to start. One third of the time, correction of cheek volume indirectly corrects sunken eye appearance. But for this patient, direct filler treatment in the sunken eye area was warranted resulting in a youthful transformation.
Case Number: 00604
Procedure: Correction of Moderate Lower Lid Aging
Provider: Monica Bonakdar, MD
Patient Information: 40 Year Old Female
Dr. Bonakdar Explains: Genetically predisposed under-eye hollows can add years to one’s appearance, as evident in this patient’s before photos. By strategically using dermal fillers, I contoured her cheeks and minimized the under eye hollows, resulting in a more refreshed, rested look that reflects her natural age and vitality.
Case Number: 00605
Procedure: Correction of Moderate Lower Lid Aging
Provider: Monica Bonakdar, MD
Patient Information: 52 Year Old Female
Dr. Bonakdar Explains: The eyes are the most gazed at part of the face and should be the first area of correction. One of the first noticeable signs of aging is lower lid volume loss. I highly recommend addressing this issue with filler. In this patient’s results, her under eyes appear less sunken in and in turn, she looks much more youthful and instantly refreshed.
Case Number: 00531
Procedure: Correction of Moderate Lower Lid Aging
Provider: Monica Bonakdar, MD
Patient Information: 62 Year Old Female
Dr. Bonakdar Explains: This patient's eye area shows excessive aging changes with soft tissue loss. I treated her under eyes with dermal filler. Her after photo exemplifies how much dermal fillers can improve under eye hollowing and can lead to a much more youthful appearance.
Case Number: 00532
Procedure: Correction of Moderate Lower Lid Aging
Provider: Monica Bonakdar, MD
Patient Information: 56 Year Old Female
Dr. Bonakdar Explains: For those seeking to reverse signs of aging, I always recommend addressing the midface area first, primarily the under eye area. Lower lid volume loss is often one of the first few signs of aging. By treating the under eye area with filler, my patients almost immediately look more youthful.
Case Number: 00533
Procedure: Correction of Moderate Lower Lid Aging
Provider: Monica Bonakdar, MD
Patient Information: 45 Year Old Male
Dr. Bonakdar Explains: Signs of aging, especially under eye soft tissue volume loss, are also seen in men. Before any filler treatment, this patient appeared looked tired. After his under-eye hollows were addressed with filler, the patient looks very much well rested and instantly refreshed. Treating under eye hollows delivers significant results and improved overall appearance.
Case Number: 00534
Procedure: Correction of Moderate Lower Lid Aging
Provider: Monica Bonakdar, MD
Patient Information: 63 Year Old Female
Dr. Bonakdar Explains: This patient's lower lid area shows the signs of aging: soft tissue loss and fat herniation. Filler is a great treatment option for those experiencing volume loss in their under eye area. The hollowness is almost instantly resolved upon treatment. This patient’s under eye hollows significantly improved and she is very happy with her results.
Case Number: 00535
Procedure: Correction of Moderate Lower Lid Aging
Provider: Monica Bonakdar, MD
Patient Information: 50 Year Old Female
Dr. Bonakdar Explains: Aging does not discriminate and even happens to the most beautiful faces. One of the earliest signs of aging is visible around the eyes when sufficient bone and soft tissue has been lost. Dermal filler is a great treatment option to help minimize the appearance of under eye hollows.
Case Number: 00344
Procedure: Correction of Moderate Lower Lid Aging and Moderate Fat Pad Herniation
Provider: Monica Bonakdar, MD
Patient Information: 46 Year Old Female
Dr. Bonakdar Explains: This patient's eye area shows excessive aging changes with soft tissue loss and fat herniation. Dermal filler is a great treatment option for those that are looking for non-invasive treatment options. I use the cannula technique for under eye filler treatments to ensure my patients are safe and comfortable.
Case Number: 00345
Procedure: Correction of Moderate Lower Lid Aging
Provider: Monica Bonakdar, MD
Patient Information: 70 Year Old Male
Dr. Bonakdar Explains: One of the first facial areas to show the signs of aging is the eyes. Disguising these changes with precision filler injection in the medial and lateral lid cheek junction reverses one of the most visible signs of facial aging. This gentleman was very pleased with his results.
Case Number: 00346
Procedure: Correction of Moderate Lower Lid Aging
Provider: Monica Bonakdar, MD
Patient Information: 47 Year Old Female
Dr. Bonakdar Explains: Aging is not uniform throughout our face and may be more noticeable in one feature versus the rest of the face. For this patient, her eyes have aged disproportionately to the rest of her face. The orbital bone loss and soft tissue loss around her eyes makes her appear unwell and old. I specialize in treating difficult midface corrections.
Case Number: 00347
Procedure: Correction of Moderate Lower Lid Aging
Provider: Monica Bonakdar, MD
Patient Information: 42 Year Old Female
Dr. Bonakdar Explains: Lower lid hollows should only be filled by an expert injector and only with a cannula and not a needle to avoid poor results or untoward side effects including vascular accidents that may lead to blindness. In this patient, the 2 blanched circular areas around each eye in the after photo are the sites of the cannula insertion. This blanching completely resolves when the anesthetic wears off.
Case Number: 00348
Procedure: Correction of Moderate Lower Lid Aging
Provider: Monica Bonakdar, MD
Patient Information: 50 Year Old Male
Dr. Bonakdar Explains: Midface changes are also seen in men. The after picture is taken immediately after injections were completed and show no bruising because a cannula was used to perform the injection. If you look closely, you may be able to see 2 white circles on his cheeks, this is where the numbing injection was given for the site of cannula insertion. The numbing causes blanching for about one hour. Because of this precise technique, it is a painless and comfortable treatment that has minimal to zero downtime or bruising.
Case Number: 00349
Procedure: Correction of Moderate Lower Lid Aging
Provider: Monica Bonakdar, MD
Patient Information: 49 Year Old Female
Dr. Bonakdar Explains: The beautiful features of this woman do not look her age except for her eyes. By correcting her eye hollows, she looks much more refreshed and ageless! The eyes are the most gazed at part of the face and should be the first area of correction.
Case Number: 00350
Procedure: Correction of Moderate Lower Lid Aging
Provider: Monica Bonakdar, MD
Patient Information: 54 Year Old Female
Dr. Bonakdar Explains: This beautiful patient could not put her finger on what was making her have these feelings, but she wanted to turn back the clock. I recommended fillers in the mid face and lower face. This patient was worried about unnatural results and wanted to have her filler treatments in stages. I advised her to address the hollowness of lower lids because it would deliver significant results. Lower lid filler instantly rejuvenated her appearance.
Case Number: 00351
Procedure: Partial Correction of Moderate Lower Lid Aging
Provider: Monica Bonakdar, MD
Patient Information: 73 Year Old Female
Dr. Bonakdar Explains: This patient’s before photo shows moderate volume loss in the lower lids along with moderate volume loss in the cheeks and temples. Her after photo shows great improvement. I believe that slightly treating the lower lids, cheeks, and temples with filler will achieve a more youthful appearance.
Case Number: 00352
Procedure: Correction of Moderate Lower Lid Aging
Provider: Monica Bonakdar, MD
Patient Information: 48 Year Old Female
Dr. Bonakdar Explains: This healthy patient shows visible effects of lower lid aging with soft tissue loss and fat herniation. My microdroplet signature technique is an ideal solution for correcting sunken under eyes. This transformation is so satisfying as the under-eye hollows are effectively resolved, leaving the patient delighted with the results.
Case Number: 00220
Procedure: Correction of Moderate Lower Lid Aging
Provider: Monica Bonakdar, MD
Patient Information: 54 Year Old Female
Dr. Bonakdar Explains: This patient underwent significant weight loss to become healthier. She did not like the accompanying facial fat loss and thought she looked tired and withdrawn. Often, I correct cheek volume loss before correcting the lower lid volume loss. But in this patient, I did the opposite and corrected her lower lid area first as she was not ready to have her cheeks improved. However, she was so happy with her results that she trusted me to return and proceed with her cheek treatment next.
Case Number: 00221
Procedure: Correction of Moderate Lower Lid Aging
Provider: Monica Bonakdar, MD
Patient Information: 62 Year Old Female
Dr. Bonakdar Explains: The eyes are the first and most important area of the face that we gaze at when looking at a new face. This patient has beautiful supple skin but has lost significant soft tissue and skin elasticity in her lower lid area. With my signature microdroplet filler technique I disguised much of this aging and created a youthful midface.
Case Number: 00222
Procedure: Correction of Moderate Lower Lid Aging
Provider: Monica Bonakdar, MD
Patient Information: 60 Year Old Female
Dr. Bonakdar Explains: In our thirties, aging changes around the eyes start to take effect, gradually becoming more noticeable. These changes can be mistaken for fatigue and lack of sleep. Nevertheless, there is a non-invasive option available, involving dermal fillers. I tailor the choice of filler to each individual’s need based on their volume loss and skin thickness. With my microdroplet signature technique I create impressive and rejuvenating results.
Case Number: 00223
Contact Bonakdar Aesthetics for Cosmetic Dermatology and Skin Care in Newport Beach, Orange County, Palm Desert CA.
Our luxury concierge practice is committed to providing solutions for the aesthetic needs of the Newport Beach, Orange County and Palm Desert community seeking ageless beauty and confidence. Your experience at Bonakdar Aesthetics will be one that nurtures, restores, and revives your self-image.
We are proud to inform you of Bonakdar Aesthetics’ Exclusive Appointment Scheduling Policy. This policy ensures that your appointments are exclusively booked for you alone, thus you will not experience long waits, nor be rushed during your appointment. A booking fee is required at the time you make your consultation or treatment appointment. This fee is fully applied to your appointment or is refundable with cancellations 72 hours prior to your appointment.
20321 Irvine Avenue, Suite #F3, Newport Beach, CA 92660
Mon-Fri: 9am – 5pm
36943 Cook St. #104, Palm Desert, CA 92211
Mon-Fri: 9am - 5pm