It’s important to all of us at Bonakdar Aesthetics that you feel comfortable when you come in for your skin care appointment in Newport Beach,CA.
The following information can serve as a general guide for what to expect during your first visit. As always, our goal is to make sure you have a pleasant and enjoyable experience.
If you have any questions about the consultation process or have yet to schedule your first appointment, request a consultation online or contact us at (949) 721-6000. Bonakdar Aesthetics serves patients from Laguna Beach and Huntington Beach seeking med spa and skin care treatments.
Before you come into the office, we ask that you register online and create a personal profile. This will save you time during your appointment, since we will already have the important medical information necessary for your treatment.
The registration is secure and easy. Our office will provide you with your personal security code, which you will use to log in and register. If you have not received a security code, please call our office at (949) 393-3433 and we will provide you with one.
Once you have created your account and completed the appropriate paperwork, you will arrive at your scheduled appointment time and meet with a client coordinator.
Together, you will discuss the procedure you are interested in as well as your concerns and your motivation for seeking treatment. Your client coordinator will take pictures of your skin and analyze your complexion using the VISIA® Complexion Analysis system.
After you meet with your client coordinator, you will meet with Dr. Bonakdar for a personal consultation. Dr. Bonakdar will talk with you about your goals and review the information provided by the client coordinator.
Based on this information, she will recommend and explain a course of treatment. Your personal skincare program will include suggestions for immediate improvements as well as suggested procedures for ongoing skin health.
You can choose to have your treatment performed that same day, or at a later time. Dr. Bonakdar is understanding about your concerns regarding pricing and recovery time and will not pressure you to have your procedure performed until you are ready.
Contact Bonakdar Aesthetics for Cosmetic Dermatology and Skin Care in Newport Beach, Orange County, Palm Desert CA.
Our luxury concierge practice is committed to providing solutions for the aesthetic needs of the Newport Beach, Orange County and Palm Desert community seeking ageless beauty and confidence. Your experience at Bonakdar Aesthetics will be one that nurtures, restores, and revives your self-image.
We are proud to inform you of Bonakdar Aesthetics’ Exclusive Appointment Scheduling Policy. This policy ensures that your appointments are exclusively booked for you alone, thus you will not experience long waits, nor be rushed during your appointment. A booking fee is required at the time you make your consultation or treatment appointment. This fee is fully applied to your appointment or is refundable with cancellations 72 hours prior to your appointment.
20321 Irvine Avenue, Suite #F3, Newport Beach, CA 92660
Mon-Fri: 9am – 5pm
36943 Cook St. #104, Palm Desert, CA 92211
Mon-Fri: 9am - 5pm